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Research Paper | Biology | Egypt | Volume 5 Issue 1, January 2016 | Rating: 6.1 / 10
Sexual Dimorphism of Morphometrics and Meristics of Carangoides Bajad (Forsskal, 1775) and Caranx Melampygus (Cuvier, 1833) from the Southern Red Sea, Egypt
Usama M. Mahmoud, Sahar F. Mehanna, Ashraf S. Mohammad
Abstract: In the present investigation, discrimination between sexes in each of Carangoides bajad and Caranx melampygus from Red Sea of Egypt was possible by using morphometric indices. The type of size allometry in each of males and females of the two aforementioned species was estimated according to the bivariate concept. No sexual dimorphism was observed in the meristics of each of Carangoides bajad and Caranx melampygus under investigation.
Keywords: Morphometrics, Meristics, sexual dimorphism, Carangoides bajad, Caranx melampygus, Carangidae, Red Sea, Egypt
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 1, January 2016,
Pages: 448 - 456