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Survey Paper | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 5 Issue 1, January 2016 | Rating: 6.6 / 10
Key Aggregate Method for Secure Data Sharing in Cloud Storage Using MD5
Varsha S. Kadam, R. H. Kulkarni
Abstract: Cloud computing is getting popularity now a days. Cloud providers offers data storage and other services in very less cost. The main advantage of cloud is data sharing and remote data access. On the cloud data is get shared between number of users. The data security is totally depended on the security parameters used. To achieve this purpose we have described new strategy which depends on public key cryptography. We have designed aggregate key method which is constant size cipher text generated by using MD5 algorithm. The cipher text can be decrypted by using hash key generated. This constant size cipher key is nothing but aggregate key for selection of flexible choices of ciphers. The other encrypted files remains secret, only file can be decrypted for which aggregate key is generated. We can save this aggregate key or can send it to others for further data sharing technique.
Keywords: Aggregate Key, Data Security, Cloud Services, Cryptography, Credentials
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 1, January 2016,
Pages: 492 - 495