International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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ISSN: 2319-7064

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Research Paper | Nutrition Science | Sudan | Volume 5 Issue 1, January 2016 | Rating: 6.8 / 10

Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Diabetes Control among Patients, Khartoum Teaching Hospital

Hassan Isse Ahmed, Nur Mohamed Egal, Shadia Mohamed

Abstract: Purpose- The problem of diabetic care in Sudan includes poor awareness and compliance with therapy or diet, lack of efficient Diabetic care centers, lack of specially trained personnel, the purpose of the study to identify the Knowledge and Attitude of diabetes control among patients at Khartoum teaching hospital. Objective - To identify the awareness of diabetics about complications that may occur with diabetes and how can they deal with this complication, to assess and evaluate advice given to the diabetic patients in compliance with the follow up and health care services given to them by the Diabetics Care Units at the hospital. Material and Method- 50 Diabetic patient were interviewed to collect information to identify diabetic patients awareness. Data was collected by researchers using questionnaire. Results- 50 % of the patients examined with age ranged between 41-50year. (60 %) of the patients had the diabetes since 5years. (72 %) didnt have a glucometer, (38 %) of diabetic patient missed their doses more than twice. The glucose level of (46 %) patients were 180-250mg/dl, (54 %) of patients were admitted to hospital due to diabetic complication. Some of the patients had days off work due to diabetes. There was positive correlation between level of education and clinical discovery of diabetes, follow up with dietician and feet examination. Conclusion- Most of the patients had poor follow up with their doctors, they didnt know the importance of diabetic education, taking treatment in accurate time and eye, feet checking.

Keywords: Health, Education, Diabetes care, Awareness, Sudan

Edition: Volume 5 Issue 1, January 2016,

Pages: 1349 - 1352

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