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Research Paper | Medical Surgical | India | Volume 5 Issue 2, February 2016 | Rating: 7 / 10
Study of Management of Second Degree Burns with Topical Heparin
Dr. R. G. Naniwadekar, Dr. Sangeeta Biradar, Dr. Basavaraj Nagur, Dr. Jignesh Savsaviya
Abstract: INTRODUCTION Burn injuries are known for their complexity therefore its treatment requires a complete understanding of patho-physiology and interaction of the major organ systems. In India burn injuries account for most of the hospital admissions. Various treatment options are available for burn wound management. Heparin as an option for treatment of burn wounds has been found to useful, hence we decided to study their effectiveness in burn wound management. AIMS In view of the above said we considered to study the effectiveness of heparin dressing in treating burns. METHODOLOGY A prospective study was done in KIMSDU Karad in for 1 year December 2014 to December 2015 in which 50 patient with second degree superficial burns with less than 24 hrs were chosen for the study admitting in the burn unit of KIMSDU. RESULTS Total 50 patients were included in study group over a period of 1year all the patient were with second degree thermal burns less than 24 hrs. CONCLUSION Heparin can be applied safely in the treatment of superficial second degree burns.
Keywords: burns, heparin, second degree
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 2, February 2016,
Pages: 1134 - 1136