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Research Paper | Psychology Science | India | Volume 5 Issue 2, February 2016 | Rating: 6.7 / 10
Adolescents? Aggression in Relation to Peer Pressure and Family Relationship
Rajesh Kumar, Beenu Varma
Abstract: Adolescent is the stage between childhood and adulthood. It is the time when adolescent move from dependency on their parents to independency and maturity. This stage brings so many changes. Family relationship plays an important role in this stage. Aggression also develops which sometimes generates from peer pressure. The aim of the present investigation is to study the adolescent aggression in relation to peer pressure and family environment. Sample of the study consisted of 210 adolescents (107 Male and 103 Female), ranging in the age of 13-19 years and were randomly selected from different schools of Chandigarh. The sample responded to Manifestation of Aggression (R. A. Singh, 1986) which consists of 50 items, Peer Pressure (Singh & Saini, 2010) which consists of 25 items and Family Relationship inventory by Sherry & Sinha, (1987) which consists of 150 items. To find out the results descriptive statistics, t- test and correlation matrix were calculated and it was found that there is non significant difference between boys and girls on aggression, family affection and family care and the values comes out to be 0.378, 0.613 and 0.47 respectively. It was also revealed that there is significant difference between boys and girls on peer pressure and family behaviour and p value found to be 0.003 and 0.020 respectively. It was also revealed that there is significant association between aggression and family care and between peer pressure and family behaviour.
Keywords: Adolescent, Family relationship, Peer pressure, Care
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 2, February 2016,
Pages: 628 - 631