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Research Paper | Psychology Science | Malaysia | Volume 5 Issue 3, March 2016 | Rating: 6.2 / 10
Self- Efficacy Assessment to Predict GPA Grade Scores of Students
Mazlan Ismail, Hajar Jani
Abstract: This pilot study was to investigate self-efficacy of students scores to predict GPA grade passing and failing performance before sitting for exams. The data was collected from 60 students (39 males, 21 females) from Sports Science degree undergraduates. Self- efficacy scale was developed to particularly measure GPA grades scores and to predict passing and failing scores performance of the students. The independent t-test indicated that no significant differences were seen in self-efficacy between males and females students. Pearson correlation showed a significant relationship where passing scores were higher than the failing scores. It was recommended that sports counseling students are interested in all subjects whether it involves physical or theoretical based course program. The same issues may be addressed in future research, but with improved measures such as a comparison between core and elective course programs.
Keywords: self-efficacy, GPA grades, academic performance, course program, final exam
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 3, March 2016,
Pages: 1424 - 1427