International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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Research Paper | Astronomy Science | India | Volume 5 Issue 3, March 2016 | Rating: 6.7 / 10

How a Two-Dimensional Approach of the Physical Time Can Describe That the Net Temporal Movement of the Universe is a Constant Zero. Why We Do Not Meet With Our Anti-Selves

Prasenjit Debnath [34]

Abstract: A two-dimensional approach of the physical time is nothing but the expression of time in terms of real time component along the x-axis and imaginary time component along the y-axis. As we know, the space and the physical time are interdependent on each other, it is not unwise to think that every space point is the elemental representation of Universes space and every space point is associated with a unit vector of time with respect to the reference frame. Matter and energy are nothing but the space deformations. We can use the term virtual particles to represent any kind of energy. Actually, matter and energy are two opposite facets of the same coin. Real particles are responsible for matters while virtual particles are responsible for energies. Any particle, does not matter it is real or virtual particle, is actually deformation of space. In other words, asymmetric distributions of space points are responsible to produce different matters and different energies. The physical time runs at different speeds at different deformations of space points. The speed of the physical time is proportional to the degree of deformation of space points which form a local area of symmetry (any particular local area has only even distribution of space points within that local area, as a result, the resultant macroscopic time is symmetric and identical for every space points within that local area which means that the resultant macroscopic representation of time along x-axis, which can be perceived by human race, is same at every space point within the local area but asymmetric between different local areas which means every local area has a unique resultant macroscopic time). The unit vector of time of solid has different direction compared to the unit vector of time of liquid or the unit vector of time of gas. As, real time ( the x-axis component of the physical time) runs slower for solid compared to liquid and gas, the x-axis component of the unit vector of time is lower compared to x-axis component of liquid and gas. In other words, the unit vectors of time of solid are more vertically oriented compared to the horizontal component. As the real time (time along x-axis) can be recognizable by human race, time runs slower in solid compared to liquid and gas of the same amount. The magnitude of unit time vector is always the same but it varies only in direction in the first quadrant for ordinary matters. But the macroscopic time is always additive for ordinary matters, does not matter whether it is in solid or liquid or gaseous form. Also the macroscopic time is additive for positive energy. But the macroscopic time is subtractive for anti-matters and negative energies. It implies that because in our Universe has very little anti-matters which is not substantial to reduce the speed of time to the present state, there must be huge amount of negative energy available in the Universe to reduce the speed of time to the present state which is acceptable by living being to synchronize themselves with. We know that gravity is a negative energy because we need to do positive work against it to get rid of it. There must be enormous debt of positive energy with respect to the negative energy, the positive energy is in chase to catch the negative energy to reduce the debt, and in this process, the positive energy keeps on forming the ordinary matters to reduce the debt and when it forms the ordinary matter, the matter gives rise of gravity of itself which is again making the debt the same or more but not less. The dominant negative energy is reducing the speed of time to the present rate of time in the Universe. The parallel Universes tell us that every matter has an anti-matter. The energy has its anti-energy, if energy is positive and attractive, the anti-energy is negative and repulsive. The same is true for negative energy too. Then why do we not meet with our anti-selves The paper will explain it with the help of two-dimensional approach of the physical time that describe that the net temporal movement of the physical time is a constant zero.

Keywords: A Two-dimensional approach of the physical time, a unit vector of time, resultant macroscopic time, the positive and negative energies, local area of symmetry and parallel Universes

Edition: Volume 5 Issue 3, March 2016,

Pages: 688 - 691

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