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Research Paper | Mathematics | India | Volume 5 Issue 4, April 2016 | Rating: 6.2 / 10
Painleve Analysis, Backlund and Cole-Hopf Transformations of the (2+1) and (3+1)-dimensional Burgers Equations
T. Shanmuga Priya, B. Mayil Vaganan
Abstract: We apply the Painleve analysis to the (2+1) and (3+1) - Dimensional Burgers Equations respectively given by ut + ( 2 F (y, t)) uux = (uxx + uyy) and ut + ( 2 F (y, z, t)) uux = (uxx + uyy + uzz) to determine the Backlund transformations and further deduce their respective Cole - Hopf transformations
Keywords: Integrability, Painlev property, Bcklund transformation, Cole-Hopf transformation, Burgers equation
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 4, April 2016,
Pages: 244 - 246