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Review Papers | Medicine Science | Sri Lanka | Volume 5 Issue 3, March 2016 | Rating: 6.6 / 10
Medical Ethics: Lessons Learnt from the Past and the Way Forward for the Future Based on Milgram's And Zimbardo's Work and Its Ethical Implications in the Contemporary Society
Dodampahala S. H., Dodampahala S. K., Rahubaddha A. N.
Abstract: The two separate studies conducted by the renowned psychologists Stanley Milgram and Philip Zimbardo were both aimed at understanding human behavior in social situations. Results of these studies are compatible with each other and share a common conclusion that the Individual behavior is largely under the control of social forces and environmental contingencies rather than personality traits (1), (4). These studies also share the notoriety of being two of the most controversial studies carried out on human subjects that have grossly violated the ethics that govern the modern day research.
Keywords: Milgram, Zimbardo, medical ethicsethics in Reproduction
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 3, March 2016,
Pages: 2163 - 2165