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Case Studies | Chemistry | India | Volume 5 Issue 5, May 2016 | Rating: 6.7 / 10
A GIS Based Assessment of Selected Sites of Kota Barrage of Rajasthan with Special Reference to Water Quality Parameters
Dr. Kiran Choudhary, Dr. Krishnendra Singh Nama
Abstract: Present study revealed the physico-chemical characteristics of water quality in one sampling site at upstream and three sampling stations at downstream of Kota Barrage in different months of the year 2014-2015. pH fluctuates between 7.1 to 8.5 during the study period at all the sampling sites. Maximum value (225.40 mg/l) of alkalinity was observed during the month of February at Site III and minimum value (86.00 mg/l) was recorded in the month of July at Site I. The total hardness values ranged between 110.00 mg/l (upstream) to 220.00 mg/l (downstream). Highest value (105.00 mg/l) of calcium was observed at Site III (ds) and minimum (60.00 mg/l) values were recorded at Site I (us). Magnesium values ranged from a minimum of 30.00 mg/l at Site IV to a maximum of 75.00 mg/l at Site I in the month of May. Chloride is considered as pollution indicator when present in higher concentrations. Maximum value was recorded 100.00 mg/L at Site III and minimum value was observed 50.00 mg/l at Site I. Sulphate values ranged from a minimum of 20.00 mg/l at Site II in the month of July to a maximum of 70.50 mg/l at Site III in the month of May. Concentration of nitrates varied from 10.00 mg/l to 34.00 mg/l. TDS ranged between 320.00 mg/l to 640.00 mg/l. COD values were found to vary between 35.00 mg/l (upstream) to 91.50 mg/l (downstream). Maximum BOD value (4.0 mg/l) was recorded at site III and it was minimum (1.5 mg/l) at site I. Maximum value (6.7 mg/l) of DO was recorded at Site I during the month of October and minimum (2.7 mg/l) at Site I in the month of September. These results indicate that water of downstram is more polluted in summer months as compared to water of upstream sites.
Keywords: Physico-chemicals, upstream, downstream, pollution, indicator
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 5, May 2016,
Pages: 28 - 32