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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis | Mechanical Engineering | India | Volume 5 Issue 4, April 2016 | Rating: 6.7 / 10
Finite Element Analysis of Friction Plate of Diaphragm Spring Clutch for TD-3250 Vehicle
Suyog Vitnor, Mukund Kavade
Abstract: This paper presents finite element analysis of grooved friction plate of Diaphragm spring Clutch which has been used to study of temperature distribution & thermal stresses during single engagement. The commercial software CATIA V.5 & ANSYS 15 is used for modelling of clutch parts & Thermo-mechanical analysis of friction plate respectively. When clutch begins to engage, the high thermal stresses & high temperature distribution generated between the contacting surfaces such as pressure plate, clutch disc and flywheel due to the frictional heating which is generated in 1.85 sec slip-time. The thermomechanical problems such as thermal deformations and thermoelastic instability due to hot spot leads to thermal cracking, this is the main reason of clutch failure which is occurred in previous design of TD 3250 vehicle clutch system, hence there is need to do thermo-mechanical analysis of clutch component. The main objective of this paper is to obtain a minimum safe stress value & temperature distribution of friction plate by using analytical & numerical calculation
Keywords: Thermo-elastic instability, thermo-mechanical analysis, Diaphragm spring Clutch, Finite Element Analysis
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 4, April 2016,
Pages: 1771 - 1775