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Research Paper | Food Science | India | Volume 5 Issue 5, May 2016 | Rating: 6.7 / 10
Addition of Carrot Pomace to Increase the Nutritional and Rheological Properties of Traditional Cake
Shalini Semwal, Neha Chaudhary, Sachin Karoulia
Abstract: Carrot is one of the important root vegetables rich in bioactive compounds like carotenoids and dietary fibres with appreciable levels of several other functional components having significant health-promoting properties. The consumption of carrot and its products is increasing steadily due to its recognition as an important source of natural antioxidants having anticarcinogenic activity. Carrot pomace can be utilized in regular course as a by-product by the means of fortification, supplementation of products like cake, bread, biscuits and preparation of several types of functional products, as it contain about 50 % of -carotene it has significant nutritional value. The insoluble fibres, cellulose and hemicellulose, constitute the greatest portion (50 %to 92 %) of the total dietary fibre with a very small amount of lignin (4 %). The fibre composition of carrot pomace can differ from whole carrot depending on the processing method. Wheat flour is more nutritious in comparison of maida. The present review highlights the nutritional composition, health promoting phytonutrients, functional properties, products development and by-products utilization of carrot and carrot pomace along with their potential application.
Keywords: Carotenoids, Dietary fibre, Antioxidants, Pomace, Phytonutrients
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 5, May 2016,
Pages: 1412 - 1416