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Research Paper | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 5 Issue 6, June 2016 | Rating: 7.3 / 10
Implementation of Intellectual Browser for User Search Goal Discovery and Reordering System
Hemlata Gaikwad, Manisha Darak
Abstract: Current age is called as Internet age due to immense use of internet in day to day life by billions and trillions of users. Considering the ambiguity of the s being used of searches over the internet, every user has a variant goal for searching different contents with similar searches. Thus the user goals and analysis of searched s can improve the search engine results retrieving efficiency and can also aid in reducing the latency to obtain intended results quicker by clustering the random results in a structured manner. Now a day, every single search query fired provides sample of ambiguous results as many terms being searched over internet are similar in terms of s only but the semantic aspect is totally different. In proposed technique framework will give the data identified with the client objectives. In this paper we have plan a novel structure to find the client destinations by bunching the client seek objectives and after that new way to deal with produce the pseudo record to speak to the grouping viably. Toward the end we have proposed novel methodology.
Keywords: User feedback, Clicked through URLs, Pseudo documents, Clustering, CAP evaluation, Restructuring the search results
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 6, June 2016,
Pages: 1895 - 1898