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Research Paper | Material Science and Engineering | Indonesia | Volume 3 Issue 12, December 2014 | Rating: 6.5 / 10
Characterization of Volcanic Ash of Mount Sinabung Erupting On 29th June 2014 Using XRD, SEM and AAS
Perdinan Sinuhaji, Susilawati, Nimpan Bangun
Abstract: Crystal structure, microstructure and heavy metal analysis of Mount Sinabung, erupting on 29th June 2014, volcanic ash was carried out using XRD, SEM, and AAS. The sample was taken from Perteguhen, a village of approximately 7 km from the crater. Volcanic ash of Mount Sinabung contains Silicon Oxide/Quarts (SiO2), 16.71 %, hexagonal parameter, lattice constant, a = 4.9134 and c = 5.4052 with 2.65 gr/cm3 density ( No. ICDD 46-1045), Sodium Calcium, Aluminum Silicate/ Anorthite ( Ca, Na) (Si, Al) 4 O8, 58.12 %, triclinic crystal structure, lattice constan, a = 8.1813, b = 12.8740 and c = 7.0970, with a density of 2.72 gr/cm3 ( No. ICCD 41-1481) and Sodium Aluminum Silicate/ Albite high Na ( Al Si3 O8), 25.17 %, triclinic structure, lattice constant, a = 8.1535, b = 12.8694 and c = 7, 1070 with the density of 2, 62 gr/ cm3, (No. ICDD 71-1150), with sharp microstructure at the edge. Volcanic ash of Mount Sinabung contain heavy metal: Cu 46, 35 ppm, Plumbun (Pb) < LoD ; Arsene (As)
Keywords: Volcanic Ash, Heavy Metal, Microstructure, Crystal Structure
Edition: Volume 3 Issue 12, December 2014,
Pages: 1606 - 1608