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Research Paper | Agricultural Engineering | Indonesia | Volume 3 Issue 10, October 2014 | Rating: 6.7 / 10
The Genetics Parameter Estimating of Quantitatives Character to F3 Soybean Generation as the Petek X Panderman Varieties Crossbreding in the Shades-Environment
Nerty Soverda, Yulia Alia, Elly Indraswari
Abstract: In beneath of crops plantation and industrial plant forests stand, has the potential for developing of soybean plants. The Development efforts such as the crossbreeding of soybean variety that shades-tolerant. The crossbred between Patek varieties and Pandeman was expect to produce the high new variety, with criterias such as high production levels, have a lot of pods, large seed size, short stem, and tolerance to shades, because the native was tolerant to shades, have many pods, high production rates, but high trunked and small seed size. While the characteristic of native Pandeman has types such as short trunked and large seed size, but has a little pods. This Hybridize varieties has already on the stage of F2 generation, so it need to held the advanced test and selection in the F3 generation to obtained the expect soybean, which high yielding and shades-tolerant. The purpose of this study, namely, 1) to obtain the information on the growth and yield of soybean in F3 generation, the result of crossbreeding the varieties of Petek x Panderman toward the 50 % paranet shades and 2) to obtain the F3 generation soybean as the result of varieties from crossbred of Petek x Pandeman that are high yield, short trunked, large seed size and shade-tolerant. The results showed that crossbreeding varieties Petek Panderman the shaded environment has added value to increase the value of the center on the number of pods, seed weight per plant and 100 seed weight increased, the value of the vast diversity, a high value of heritability estimates found in all the character and values expected progress are strong selection on plant height
Keywords: soybean, shades, F3 generation
Edition: Volume 3 Issue 10, October 2014,
Pages: 1340 - 1346