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Research Paper | Electronics & Communication Engineering | India | Volume 3 Issue 9, September 2014 | Rating: 6.2 / 10
Trojan Detection Using EDA Tools
Deepa, Monika Gupta
Abstract: Trojan Detection is the process to identify the malicious modification in the circuit design, data pattern, confidential information, logic expressions etc. Trojan Taxonomy is so large but with respect to Hardware Design Trojan could be of any kind like normal noise or Intra Noise or With-in-Die Variations. So we are mainly emphasizing on Activation & Action based Trojans named as Trigger and Payload Trojans. Our aim to protect, maintain the security and privacy of the circuit design using NI Multisim v 13.0.1 EDA (Electronic Design Automation) Tool. In this paper we are validating the nine stages Ring Oscillator as a experimental circuit design as well as statistical observations are used to detect Trojan. I am very thankful to Asst. Professor Monika Gupta as a Guide for her kind support and proper Guidance.
Keywords: Ring Oscillator, EDA Tools, Statistical Analysis for Trojan Detection, Trigger Trojan, Payload Trojan, Hardware Trojan
Edition: Volume 3 Issue 9, September 2014,
Pages: 1114 - 1120