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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 3 Issue 9, September 2014 | Rating: 6.9 / 10
An Enhancement for Content Sharing Over Smartphone-Based Delay Tolerant Networks
P. Guru Tejaswini, K. Palguna Rao
Abstract: From the last few years, the Smartphone users has swiftly increased so peer-to-peer ad hoc content sharing is likely to crop up frequently. As the usual data delivery schemes are not efficient for content sharing due to random connectivity amid Smartphones latest content sharing mechanisms should be developed. To achieve data delivery in such exigent environments, researchers have anticipated the use of encounter-based routing or store-carry-forward protocols, in this a node stores a message may be a note and carries it until a forwarding chance arises through an encounter with other node. Earlier studies in this field focused on whether two nodes would come across each other and the place and time of encounter. This paper proposes discover-predict-deliver as proficient content sharing scheme. A hidden markov model is used to predict an individuals future mobility information. This existing system approximately results in a 2 percent CPU overhead, lessen the battery lifetime of a Smartphone by 15 percent. So to minimize energy consumption we propose the use of sensor scheduling schemes in an opportunistic context.
Keywords: Encounter Based Routing, Content Sharing, sensor scheduling Schemes, hidden markov model
Edition: Volume 3 Issue 9, September 2014,
Pages: 670 - 674