International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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Research Paper | Ayurveda | India | Volume 9 Issue 10, October 2020 | Rating: 6.7 / 10

Effectiveness of Balapanchamrita Yoga and Panchakarma based Procedures in the Management of Children with Cerebral Palsy; A Single Arm Prospective Clinical Trial

Upasana Sonker, Mahapatra Arun Kumar, Rajagopala S.

Abstract: Cerebral palsy is one of the most serious disease in developing child that’s occur due to insult of developing brain during pregnancy, at the time of delivery and after the birth of child up to 2 years of age. The world-wide incidence of cerebral palsy is 2.5/1000 live births and 3/1000 live births in India. CP is manifested as developmental delay, movement disorder, visual disability, hearing disability, in-coordination of speech and involvement of cognitive function with or without seizures. The symptoms of CP are showing the similarity with some Ayurvedic diseases such as Vatavyadhi, Phakka, Ekanga Roga, Sarvanga Roga, Pakshaghata, Janampravrita Dosha and Dauhridya-avamanana etc. , In present scenario, any medical science and pathies are not give the complete remission or cure of CP. But Ayurvedic Panchakarma procedures show the satisfactory result in the management of CP. So that 15 patient of cerebral palsy were treated with three course of treatment (each course consist of 3 days Udvartana, 14 days Sarvanga Abhyanga with Ksheerabala taila and Nadi Swedana with Eranda patra kwatha and 7 days of Matra Basti with Ksheerabala taila from 8th days of Sarvanga Abhyanga and Nadi Swedana) with an interval of 14 days along with internal medication of Balapanchamrita Yoga with the aim to reduce the spasticity, improvement in range of motion of joints and quality of life of CP Child. The total 81 days treatment were shown the significant result in the management of Cerebral palsy.

Keywords: Cerebral palsy, Neuromotor disorder, Vatavyadhi, , Matra Basti

Edition: Volume 9 Issue 10, October 2020,

Pages: 889 - 892

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