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Research Paper | Ayurveda | India | Volume 9 Issue 11, November 2020 | Rating: 6.7 / 10
A Controlled Clinical Trial to Evaluate the Efficacy of Gandharvahastadi Kalka in the Management of Mutrashmari vis-a-vis Urolithiasis
Shrutika Gadale, Dr. Gajanana Hegde, Dr. V Rajendra
Abstract: In Ayurvedic literatures Mutrashmari is considered as one among the Ashta Mahagada. The disease Mutrashmari resembles with that of Urolithiasis with respect to its signs and symptoms. Urolithiasis is the third most common affliction of the urinary tract with increased rate of recurrence. In Urolithiasis surgery will be the choice many a times, but those surgical procedures have limitations in various aspects. They are expensive and many a times leads to complications. Considering all these the present study was undertaken to evaluate the added effect of Gandharvahastadi kalka an Ayurveda formulation with good safety and efficacy profile. In the study, results obtained in between the groups is statistically non-significant. However, Group A showed better result in reduction of number of calculi and symptoms such as basti shoola and mutra dhara sanga. Whereas Group B showed better result in symptoms such as mutra daha and mutra krichra.
Keywords: Mutrashmari, Urolithiasis, Gandharvahastadi kalka
Edition: Volume 9 Issue 11, November 2020,
Pages: 376 - 380