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International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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Comparative Studies | Ayurveda | India | Volume 9 Issue 11, November 2020 | Rating: 6.9 / 10

A Comparative Clinical Study to Evaluate the Efficacy of Krshara Upanaha and Rasna Taila Janubasti in the Management of Janusandhigata Vata Vis-A-Vis Osteoarthritis of Knee Joint

Dr. Chandrakala.R.K, Dr. Mythrey.R.C, Dr. Rajendra.V

Abstract: The prevalence of osteoarthritis among elderly as per the recent study is 56.6 %, making it a leading cause of disability. Janu sandhigata vata is defined as swelling which on palpation feels like bag filled with air and pain experienced during extension and flexion of joint. The disease Janu sandhigata vata described in Ayurveda and Osteoarthritis described in contemporary medical text books have similarity in their manifestation. Considering all these, the present study was undertaken to evaluate and compare the efficacy of Krushara Upanaha and Rasna taila Janubasti in management Janu sandhigata vata. . It is A comparative clinical study consisting of two groups with pre and post- test design, With 33 subject in group A and 32 subjects in group B. The diagnosis was based on the signs and symptoms of janusandhigatavata vis-à-vis Osteoarthritis of knee joints and assessment was based on the WOMAC INDEX SCALE which includes janusandhi shola, janusandhishotha, janusandhi stabdhata and janusandhi atopaas its parameter. In group A subjects were administred with Krushara Upanaha over the knee joints along with Balapanchanga ksheerapaka internally was administered for 15 consecutive days. And in Group B Rasna taila janubasti along with Balapanchanga ksheerapaka internally was administered for 15 consecutive days. On comparing both groups GroupA was statistically highly significant in reduction of Janu sandh shula, Janu sandhi shotha and WOMAC score with high P value 0.000. The above result suggests that Krushara Upanha has a significant role in the management of Janu sandhigata vata Vis –Vis Osteoarthritis of knee joint.

Keywords: Janu sandhigata vata, Osteoarthritis, Knee joint, Krushara Upanaha, Janubasti, Rasnataila, Bala panchanaga Ksheera paka

Edition: Volume 9 Issue 11, November 2020,

Pages: 369 - 372

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