Rate the Article: Ergonomic and Sociodemographic Factors as Predictors of Bag-Use Related Musculoskeletal Pain among School Going Children, IJSR, Call for Papers, Online Journal
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

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Research Paper | Nursing | Kenya | Volume 9 Issue 11, November 2020 | Rating: 6.9 / 10

Ergonomic and Sociodemographic Factors as Predictors of Bag-Use Related Musculoskeletal Pain among School Going Children

Simon Ochieng Ogana

Abstract: Objective. The objective of the study was to determine if sociodemographic factors and ergonomic factors influence bag use related musculoskeletal pain in Kenyan school going children population. Design. The study was a descriptive cross-sectional study and Quantitative methods were adopted. Setting. The study was carried out in Nairobi County Sample. Systematic random sampling was used in selecting children who used backpacks. Starehe Sub –county was purposively selected for the study due to the diverse nature of the population in terms of socio-economic status (n = 248) Analysis. Data was analyzed through descriptive statistics, chi-square test of independence and logistic regression. Main outcome measures. Bag-use related musculoskeletal pain, socio demographic factors and ergonomic factors Results. Most of the participants (25.1 %) reported lower back pain while 16.9 % had neck pains.247 (65 %) were from the public primary schools while 132 (35 %) were drawn from private primary schools. There was almost equal representation from both gender, 194 (51.2 %) of the respondents were males and 185 (48.8 %) females. Majority, 279 (73.6 %) reported that they experienced pain when carrying school bag. There was no significant association between gender and pain (p>0.05). However, age and pupil’s weight were significantly associated with pain (p<0.05). Chi square test also indicated that factors such as backpack weight, rest breaks from carrying backpack, academic stress, method of backpack carriage, body posture on carriage were significantly associated with pain (p<0.05). Conclusion. Musculoskeletal pain was significantly associated with school bag weight, rest breaks from carrying bag, method of bag carriage and body posture on carriage. Recommendations. School management should encourage pupils to carry lighter backpack (<15 % of pupil’s body weight) and wearing bag on both shoulders. Future studies should focus on differences in pain among pupils in urban and

Keywords: Musculoskeletal pain, prevalence, Nairobi county, bag use, weight-bearing, child, Back pain

Edition: Volume 9 Issue 11, November 2020,

Pages: 763 - 767

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