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Short Communication | Environmental Science Studies | India | Volume 9 Issue 11, November 2020 | Rating: 6.3 / 10
Sustainable Furniture Design: Considerations for Building Sustainable Furniture Design
Shahd Ibrahim Farran, Sonali Walimbe
Abstract: The concept of sustainability has become increasingly important and needs to be thought as part of our lifestyle. It plays a key role in addressing environmental and social concerns which are critical today. Sustainability is not only being environmentally conscious; it also aims for social equity and economic development. Various assessment tools are available to assist designers, developers and regulatory bodies to reduce the negative impacts of the building construction industry. These tools raised awareness on environmental issues the world is facing also, helped achieve sustainability and improve building performance. Following the construction industry is the furniture industry. The development of technology for industrial production has changed the furniture industry bringing in a lot of environmental problems. This concern of environmental issues has led large companies to create furniture that does not create a threat to the planet. Designers need to consider different aspects when designing and creating furniture. This paper presents the thought process required for designing sustainable furniture. It enlists the criteria related to sustainable design to meet the necessities of individuals and the development of the society, wise consumption of natural resources while supporting sustainable economic growth. The study puts forth the idea of having a digital tool for assessing sustainability for a furniture designed for use and indicates its level accomplished.
Keywords: sustainable design, eco-design, furniture design, sustainable furniture design criteria, digitalization
Edition: Volume 9 Issue 11, November 2020,
Pages: 1069 - 1073