International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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Research Paper | Home Science | Philippines | Volume 9 Issue 6, June 2020 | Rating: 7.1 / 10

Compliance of Schools in the Operation and Management of Canteen

Lourdes Dreu, Noel G. Benavides

Abstract: The study aimed to determine the compliance of schools in the operation and management of canteen in 2nd Congressional District of Sorsogon for school year 2019-2020. It used the descriptive-survey method since a questionnaire was devised in gathering the primary data as reflected in the problem. The respondents were the 25 school canteen coordinators of the public secondary schools in the 2nd Congressional District of Sorsogon. The statistical tools utilized were frequency count, percentage, weighted mean and ranking. The findings revealed that the school canteens are school-managed (f=20) and concession (f=13) and have 1 to 6 personnel (84 %) manning the operations. Then, the canteens are mostly funded by its school fund (f=17) ; have average monthly income of 20, 000 pesos or less; and utilized for upgrading of its facilities (f=21). Further, the most common canteen facilities are kitchen utensils (f=23) ; hand washing and sanitizing facilities (f=22) ; chairs and tables (f=22) ; and have adequate lighting and ventilation (f=22). For waste management, the school canteens have covered garbage receptacles (f=20) and garbage segregation (f=21). Likewise, The schools always complied the getting of approval from the school principal before its operation which has a weighted mean of 3.88. In terms of food safety standards, the canteens use food covers and containers for safekeeping with weighted mean of 3.76 that is always complied then practice hygienic food preparation, cooking display, serving and storage with weighted mean of 3.76 that is construed as always complied. Relative to transparency and accountability, the proper reporting and accounting of in-cash or in-kind donations from private suppliers of food items and beverages, the disbursements charged against the share from canteen proceeds are duly receipted, recorded and accounted for, and the proceeds from canteen operation disbursed by the school principal is only for authorized purposes are complied with w

Keywords: Compliance of Schools, Operation and Management

Edition: Volume 9 Issue 6, June 2020,

Pages: 1090 - 1094

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