International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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Review Papers | Human Resource Management | India | Volume 9 Issue 6, June 2020 | Rating: 6.8 / 10

Millennial Work Force: Opportunities and Challenges

Dr. N. Ravichandran

Abstract: MILLENNIAL WORK FORCE: OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES Dr. N. Ravichandran, Academician, Indian Maritime University, Visakhapatnam Campus, Visakhapatnam Primarily, it is important to mention the classification of the generation before understand what a millennial is There are five classification of generation namely (a) Baby Boomers, (b) Gen X (c) Millennials (d) Gen and (e) Generation Alpha. Over the past few decades, millennials have received a significant number of attentions as they have conversion into adulthood. As the largest generation presently active in the workforce, they have the numbers and the power to stand up for what they think they deserve, and employers hoping to attract and retain millennial talent would be wise to take heed. Milleninals are frequently told to focus on effort over achievement, and are often rewarded for participation rather than performance. There are certain challenges millennials faces in the job market such as Technology (Artificial Intelligence) for job screening, higher qualification at entry level, lack of experience, dishonest recruiters, security, climate change, economy and so on. Millennials are the first generation of Digital Natives that is, they have never known a world without digital technology. Their usage of smart phones and application supports them to complete their tasks quickly and effortlessly. Apart from work the young generation focuses on knowledge and continuous learning. Millennials don’t keep themselves locked in a way of working or a possibility to make things work. The new generation of employees has different expectation and agenda, which requires that their managers be trained accordingly and assumed that over 50 percent of employees will be millennials by 2020, managers will need to learn quickly and compactly how to help this group maximize their work effectiveness and productivity while helping them understand that, job hopping is not a career and is one of the challenge for managers working with

Keywords: Millennials, Generation, Technology, Managers, Challenge, Knowledge, Human Resource Management

Edition: Volume 9 Issue 6, June 2020,

Pages: 1369 - 1374

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