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Research Paper | Agriculture | Philippines | Volume 9 Issue 7, July 2020 | Rating: 7 / 10
Increasing Productivity of Rice-Based Cropping System Forlahar Laden Farms
Dinah E. Abugho, Janice M. Baysa, Florida A. Domingo
Abstract: Soil productivity is the inherent quality of a soil to support the growth of a specific plant due to its properties, management practices and the environment. The productivity of rice-based cropping system for lahar laden farms is enhanced by undertaking activities such as documentation of existing farmers’ practices, and showcasing the use of bioorganic fertilizers in developing the rice-based cropping system. Existing farming practices in lahar-laden areas were semi-mechanized land preparation. Direct seeding or transplanting method is adopted at a distance of 20cm x 20cm. Synthetic fertilizers and pesticides were applied for cultural management with pump irrigation and harvesting is mechanized while sun-drying is performed after. Performance of five inbred rice varieties were tested with NSIC RC 240 being the best. To improve productivity, the application of Mykoplus with the recommended mixed organic and inorganic fertilizer based on soil analysis was employed giving the highest yield of 4.5 tons per hectare. Bioorganic foliar fertilizer (Fish Amino Acid) sprayed at 10 days interval until flowering was also recommended at the rate of 1 liter/ha mixed with water at the ratio of 1: 20. These technologies were showcased to 79 famers through a demo farm and were adopted by 38 farmers in Botolan, San Marcelino and San Narciso. The nutrient content before and after the application of the technology was determined through soil analysis with the percentage of OM increased from 0.77 to 1.56 percent, the Phosphorous content increased from 16 ppm to 168 ppm and Potassium content increased from 40 ppm to 130 ppm. Secondary crops such as sweet potato, corn, mungbean, or peanut can be planted after rice to increase income of farmers whose farms were lahar laden using the production guide developed.
Keywords: Productivity, Lahar, Rice
Edition: Volume 9 Issue 7, July 2020,
Pages: 1367 - 1374