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Research Paper | Electrical Engineering | India | Volume 9 Issue 7, July 2020 | Rating: 6.8 / 10
Induction Motor Parameter Monitoring System using Zig bee Protocol & MATLAB GUI: Automated Monitoring System
Sachin Mali, Sunil Kumar Bhatt
Abstract: Monitoring and controlling of three phase induction motor plays a vital role in industrial and commercial users. A highly reliable and advanced ZigBee communication technique is used for the purpose. The present wired communication is more costly and not reliable due to physical factors. Its safety factors for humans cannot be predictable. A quick and reliable minimum cost system for monitoring and controlling the three-phase induction motor is prescribed in this paper. The data parameters from the motors such as like as phase currents, phase voltages, active power, reactive power, motor temperature, Motor speed, Power factor are recorded. The database from the digital signals is recorded and built to ON /OFF motor from remote location using MATLAB GUI. The motivation of this paper is to monitor and control the motor at the remote location with low cost and less time-consuming. Electrical parameters like Currents, Voltages, Power Factor, Temperature, speed are monitored using the graphical user interface and can be controlled using the wireless communication. To achieve this, a ZigBee prototype and an ADE7758 Energy Metering IC are interconnected which would communicate the motor parameters to ZigBee protocol which will be communicated and display on MATLAB GUI using RS232 as a serial communication. The implementation results convey that the prescribed system is of minimum hardware and also at optimum cost, gives higher definite and also safe for human as it switches ON/OFF remotely.
Keywords: Three phase induction motor, MATLAB, motor parameters, Zigbee
Edition: Volume 9 Issue 7, July 2020,
Pages: 1926 - 1930