International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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Research Paper | Occupational Therapy | India | Volume 9 Issue 8, August 2020 | Rating: 7.3 / 10

A Study of Correlation between Parents Satisfaction, Concerns of Occupational Therapy Interventions for Peadiatrics

Dr. M. Mahendran, Dr. K. Dinesh

Abstract: AIM The aim of this study was to assess the correlation ship between the parent’s satisfaction concerns of occupational therapy interventions for paediatrics. SUBJECTIVES The study was done to evaluate the correlation ship between the parent’s satisfaction concerns of occupational therapy interventions for paediatrics. OBJECTIVES • To evaluate the parents concerns of occupational therapy implementations among paediatric using functional assessment of academic behaviour parent checklist (FAAB). • To evaluate the client satisfaction of occupational therapy implementations among paediatric using client satisfaction questionnaire (CSQ). • To evaluate the client satisfaction goal of occupational therapy implementations among paediatric using goal attainment scale (GAS). • To evaluate the occupational performance problems, concerns and issues, interview the client, asking about daily activities in self-care among pediatrics using Canadian occupational performance model (COPM). METHODOLOGY Review studies met the inclusion criteria. In total, there were 50 participants within the review studies that were examined. Review studies explored parent satisfaction as an outcome measure of occupational therapy interventions for pediatric populations. Assessment methods and findings were extracted from the selected studies. Information regarding the assessment tools used to determine parent satisfaction was extracted. Also extracted were the results of the satisfaction assessments used by the studies.

Keywords: Occupational Therapy, parent satisfaction, paediatrics outcome measures, therapist parent relationships, parent preferences

Edition: Volume 9 Issue 8, August 2020,

Pages: 978 - 984

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