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Case Studies | Gynaecology | India | Volume 9 Issue 9, September 2020 | Rating: 6.1 / 10
A Case Study of Imperforate Hymen and its Management
Dr. Reshma
Abstract: Primary amenorrhea may be due to anatomical or endocrinological causes. Imperforate hymen causes primary amenorrhea in adolescent girls. Symptoms of imperforate hymen include cyclical abdominal pain, back pain, difficulty in urination and occasionally defecation. Imperforate hymen can be confused with ovarian masses, fibroid uterus or gastrointestinsal tumors so it is important to diagnose and treat it early. In this paper an young adolescent girl presented to the opd with complaints of back pain, abdomen pain, mass per abdomen and primary amenorrhea. On per vaginal examination imperforate hymen is diagnosed, on usg hematocolpos is seen. Under short GA patient in lithotomy position cruciate incision is made on the hymen and around 600ml of blood drained.
Keywords: Imperforate hymen cruciate incision primary amenorrhea hematocolpos
Edition: Volume 9 Issue 9, September 2020,
Pages: 1541 - 1542