International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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Dissertation Chapters | Medicine | India | Volume 10 Issue 10, October 2021 | Rating: 5.4 / 10

A Study of Albuminuria and Fundus Changes in Newly Detected Hypertensive Patients in Pravara Rural Hospital, Loni

Dr. Sagar Hase [2] | Dr. S. N. Mahajan [3] | Dr. Abhijeet Gadhave [2]

Abstract: Objectives: To study the proportion of albuminuria and fundus changes in the eyes in newly detected hypertensive patients and to look for the evidence of target organ damage in newly detected hypertensive patients. Methodology: Two hundred twenty five newly detected hypertensive cases were evaluated for albuminuria and fundus changes after applying both inclusion and exclusion criteria. albuminuria was measured in these patients by urine analyzer and retinal changes by fundoscope. Results: Significant albuminuria was found to occur in essential hypertensive patients. The prevalence of albuminuria in this study was 56.4%. A positive correlation between albuminuria and target organ damage was found in these patients. Significant correlation between albuminuria and hypertensive retinopathy. (P value=0.001). Conclusion: Significant albuminuria and fundus changes was found to occur in essential hypertensive patients. Hence this significant correlation of albuminuria with essential hypertension makes it a prime importance to look for it much before it affects the targetorgan.

Keywords: albuminuria, Hypertension, Target organ damage

Edition: Volume 10 Issue 10, October 2021,

Pages: 526 - 530

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