Rate the Article: Viable Socio-Economic Factors behind Existing Infant Mortality Tendencies in Sri Lanka: A Sociological Study, IJSR, Call for Papers, Online Journal
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

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Research Paper | Sociology | Sri Lanka | Volume 10 Issue 12, December 2021 | Rating: 4.7 / 10

Viable Socio-Economic Factors behind Existing Infant Mortality Tendencies in Sri Lanka: A Sociological Study

Arachchige Sarath Ananda

Abstract: Granting biological factors are predominant of infant mortality cases yet, socio-economic and environmental aspects such as economic credibility to reach individual nutritious level, attitude towards food and health care and environmental contamination that creates background causes cannot be underestimated. This research is about socio-economic factors that would be possible to current infant mortality trends in Sri Lanka. While using secondary literature making its conceptual framework, the analysis of this research is contingent on both quantitative and qualitative features. The primary data was generated by structural interviewing 100 mothers of dead infants belongs to five distinct districts in Sri Lanka. Each and every case including visual data extracted by personal observations were recorded separately. As emphasizing major findings, this research suggests household income disparity, high rate of women unemployment, lower level of infrastructure of rural and estate sectors particularly push many families towards various preconditions that to be caused infant deaths. Moreover, it shows the poverty is still predominant that lead mainly women to early school dropping, under age marriages, family breaks, malnutrition and many other related consequences. Even though, Sri Lanka claims for an esteemed position of minimizing her infant mortality rates even from 1950s, this research highly recommends the augment of infrastructure of remote areas, development the accessibility of alternative income generating activities and uplifting educational capacity of bottom line of the society is excessively needed perpetuating the glory.

Keywords: Infant Mortality Sri Lanka, Poverty, Socio-cultural Factors

Edition: Volume 10 Issue 12, December 2021,

Pages: 222 - 229

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