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Student Project | Health Sciences | India | Volume 10 Issue 12, December 2021 | Rating: 5.3 / 10
A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme regarding Effects of Breast Engorgement among Primigravidae Mothers at Outpatient Department in KIMS Hospital & RF, Amalapuram
A. Swapna Kumari
Abstract: A quantitative study was conducted to ?assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme regarding effects of breast engorgement among primigravidae mothers at outpatient department in KIMS Hospital & RF, Amalapuram.? Objectives of the Study: 1) To assess the knowledge regarding effects of breast engorgement among primigravidae mothers at outpatient department, in KIMS Hospital & RF, Amalapuram. 2) To evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching programme regarding effects of breast engorgement among primigravidae mothers at outpatient department, in KIMS Hospital & RF, Amalapuram. 3) To find out the association between post-test knowledge scores with their demographic variables at outpatient department, in KIMS Hospital & RF, amalapuram. The reason approach used for this study was quantitative research approach and the design selected Pre Experimental study with one group pretest- posttest design was used to conduct the study with structured teaching programme as independent variable, and knowledge as dependent variable. The study was conducted at outpatient department in KIMS Hospital & RF, Amalapuram. A total of 50 primigravidae mothers were participated in the study. The structured knowledge questionnaire was prepared with the help of literature from text books, journals and experts guidance. The tools were given for content validity to the experts. The data was entered in the master sheet for analysis and interpretation. Descriptive and inferential statistical procedures such as frequencies, percentages, mean, standard deviation, paired t-test and chi square tests were used.
Keywords: Degree of freedom, OPD, Outpatient department, Standard deviation, STP, Structured teaching programme
Edition: Volume 10 Issue 12, December 2021,
Pages: 189 - 194