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Research Paper | Medicine | Indonesia | Volume 10 Issue 12, December 2021 | Rating: 5.1 / 10
The Relationship of Platelet/Leukocyte Ratio with the Severity of Liver Cirrhosis Patients based on Child Turcotte Pugh Scores
Raufen Rissyamdani, Sungkar T, Ratna Akbari Ganie
Abstract: Background: Liver cirrhosis is the final stage of progressive liver fibrosis which characterized by distortion of the liver pcal marker of the systemic inflammatory response in liver cirrhosis. Platelet/leukocyte ratiowas used as mortality predictor in liver cirrhosis patients. Methods: This research is an observational with cross sectional method. The liver cirrhosis patients who were treated at RSUP.H.Adam Malik Medan were divided into A, B and C of CTP score, then were checked for the platelet/leukocyte ratio. Result and Discussion: Amount of 69 cirrhosis patients who were treated at RSUP H Adam Malik had met the inclusion criteria which of 53 males (76.8%) and 16 females (23.2%). There was a significant relationship between platelet/leukocyte ratioand liver cirrhosis severity (p<0.001) by Anova test. By Posthoc test, asignificant difference also found in platelet/leukocyte ratiovariable between class A and class B, class A and class C, also class B and class C (p<0.001, respectively). Conclusion and Suggestion: There is a significant relationship between the platelet/leukocyte ratioand the severity of liver cirrhosis. PWR examination with CTP scores in patients with liver cirrhosis should be used as an alternative examination to predict its severity.
Keywords: Liver Cirrhosis, Platelet/leukocyte ratio, CTP score
Edition: Volume 10 Issue 12, December 2021,
Pages: 561 - 563