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Case Studies | Orthopaedic Surgery | India | Volume 10 Issue 12, December 2021 | Rating: 4.8 / 10
Outcome of Operative fixation of Fracture Neck of Femur in Young Adults
Dr. P. Venkatesan, Dr. S. Kumaravel, Dr. M. Dinesh
Abstract: 16 adults with neck of femur fracture, treated either with Titaniumcancellous screw fixation or Titanium sliding hip screw were followed up for 2 years with clinical scoring and MRI.93% fractures united. Their Harris Hipscores were near normal in 66% cases. MRI of five patients had avascularnecrosis (Steinberg classification Stage II =3, stage I = 2) 4 of these had high velocity injury. Three patients with AVN had poor results while two (stage 1) had fair results. Functional recovery and the patient's ability to do their daily activities did not correlate fully with post-operative MRI findings of AVN.
Keywords: Neck of Femur
Edition: Volume 10 Issue 12, December 2021,
Pages: 847 - 849