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Research Paper | Community Medicine | Malaysia | Volume 10 Issue 12, December 2021 | Rating: 4.5 / 10
Knowledge Attitude & Perception towards COVID-19 Vaccination and Post Vaccination Status among Health Professional Educators and Staff of a Tertiary Institution of Malaysia
Jegathambigai Rameshwar Naidu | Nan Nitra Than | Soumendra Sahoo | Htoo Htoo Kyaw Soe
Abstract: The study was done to analyse the knowledge, attitude and perception of health care professional educators and staff towards COVID-19 vaccine. A Cross-sectional study using online survey was conducted involving health professional educators and administrative staff of a tertiary care institution after their COVID vaccination. Pearson product-moment correlation was calculated to determine the correlation between knowledge, attitude and preparedness for COVID-19 vaccination. Multiple logistic regression analysis was performed to assess the factors associated with preparedness towards COVID-19 vaccines. Assessment on knowledge on COVID vaccines, among participants revealed that most of the respondents are aware about the type of COVID-19 vaccines, including its benefits, side effects, eligibility for getting COVID-19 vaccination and public health guidelines that should be followed vaccination. Among the participants, 66.7% of them were able to identify the type of COVID-19 vaccine (RNA & DNA vaccine) administered to them. Regarding the benefits of COVID vaccination, 82.4% of the respondents were aware that COVID vaccine provides protection against the disease, 92.2 % knows that it reduces risk of developing the illness, 58.8% were aware that it protects people and 17.6% indicated that it offers lifelong protection against SARS-Cov-2 virus. There was significant positive correlation between knowledge and attitude and between attitude and preparedness. But there was no significant correlation between knowledge and preparedness. There were no significant association between age, gender, job position, knowledge, and preparedness towards COVID-19 vaccines. There was significant association between attitude and preparedness as those who had higher attitude score were more likely to prepare for COVID-19 vaccination. Both academic and administrative staff of the tertiary institution Malaysia demonstrated high levels of knowledge regarding COVID-19 vaccines.
Keywords: COVID-19, Vaccine, Knowledge, Attitude, Perception, educators
Edition: Volume 10 Issue 12, December 2021,
Pages: 1292 - 1300