International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

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Research Paper | Political Science | Somalia | Volume 10 Issue 4, April 2021 | Rating: 5 / 10

The Contribution of Local Leaders in Conflict Resolution and Peace Building in Mogdishu - Somalia

Hassan Mohamed Yusuf 'UKUMEY'

Abstract: The Main purpose of this article was to explore the contribution of local leaders in conflict resolution and peace building in Mogadishu Somalia; specifically the core objectives will be, to find out the level of their contribution, to identify the strategies used by local leaders in peace building process in Mogadishu, Somalia, and to investigate the challenges face local leaders in conflict resolution and peace building process in Mogadishu, Somalia. The sample size of this Article was eighty (80) respondents including local leaders, women and youth organizations. In this Article the sample was reached through the Slovin's formula. The study was conducted through descriptive research design and used questionnaires as the main instrument for collecting data. Data was analyzed using SPSS by assessing the frequency of respondents per question. The findings of this Article show the level of contribution of local leaders in conflict resolution and peace building process in Somalia. Lastly the Article found that there are efforts, challenges, and suggested solution in order to build peace and order in the country. The Article recommends that: The government should establish peace and reconciliation conferences including all parts involved in the conflict within the country. Local leaders in Somalia should strengthen the community's capacity to deal with conflict resolution, In order to reduce the effects of the armed violence.

Keywords: Political Sciences, Peace building

Edition: Volume 10 Issue 4, April 2021,

Pages: 631 - 635

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