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Masters Thesis | Electronics & Electrical Engineering | Turkiye | Volume 10 Issue 4, April 2021 | Rating: 4.9 / 10
Grid Voltage-Oriented Vector Control for the Grid Side Converter of the Wind Turbine Doubly-Fed Induction Generator
Abstract: One of the generators that are widely used in MW scales wind turbines is the doubly fed induction. This paper presents control method which is called the grid voltage-oriented vector control method that is used to control a grid side converter of the doubly fed induction generator. This control method is capable to solve the grid side converter problems which include regulating the power flow of the rotor side circuit and maintaining a unity power factor for overall system. The used mathematical model is presented in d-q reference frame. For solving the mentioned grid side converter problems, the study is validated through simulation using software MATLAB/Simulink, studies including a modeling, control, and simulation on a 2 MW on-grid doubly fed induction generator wind generation system. The aim of this paper is to validate the operation of the model by obtaining a constant value for the DC link voltage at different wind speeds and reactive power values. The DC link voltage performance results of the MATLAB/ Simulink model will be presented and analyzed.
Keywords: Wind turbine, Doubly fed induction generator, Grid voltage oriented vector control, DC link voltage, Grid side converter
Edition: Volume 10 Issue 4, April 2021,
Pages: 804 - 810