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Research Paper | Diabetology | India | Volume 10 Issue 5, May 2021 | Rating: 5.3 / 10
AI Algorithm System for Prediction of Diabetes Using Progressive Web Appand IBM Cloud
Dr. Mohammed Abdul Raheem, Shaik Ehetesham, Mohammad Faiz Ahmed Subhani, Sayed Abdul Zakir
Abstract: In the recent times, the most common disease that the world is confronting is Diabetes. The insulin is a hormone which produces glucose in the body. When this insulin is not produced or utilized efficiently, it's resulted into Diabetes. It is estimated that more than 77 million people in India have diabetes as of 2019, and it is predicted that this number can cross 125 million mark by 2040. However, 1 in 5 of those affected doesn?t know that they have it. Although there are many ways to detect this disease, using the powerful Artificial Intelligence algorithms can revolutionize the way this disease is detected in early stages. Further, this helps in avoiding associated health issues like heart diseases, neuropathy, nephropathy etc. , The research is aimed at designing a model that can predict and detect diabetes in the early stages, and help in general well-being of the subjects. The researchers have employed four Machine learning algorithms like Logistic Regression, KNN Classification, Random Forest Classification and Support Vector machine algorithms to detect Diabetes. In order to maintain the record of the diabetic patients and to notify them their diabetic levels, Artificial Neural Networks algorithms is used. To reach out to common people and to detect diabetes in the early stage, a PWA (Progressive Web App) is built using IBM Cloud and Flask microframework. The researchers believe that this method of diagnosing and informing vulnerable subjects could minimize the diabetic incidence around the world.
Keywords: Diabetes, Machine Learning, IBM Cloud, Artificial Intelligence algorithms, Artificial Neural Networks, Progressive Web App, Flask, Heroku
Edition: Volume 10 Issue 5, May 2021,
Pages: 638 - 642