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Research Paper | Business Management | Indonesia | Volume 10 Issue 9, September 2021 | Rating: 5 / 10
Influence of Clinical Pathway Implementation on the Outcome of Drug Rehabilitation Program Services
Jaya Mualimin, Alimin Maidin, Syamsuddin, Abdul Aziz
Abstract: Patient safety, quality, and efficiency are global issues, therefore hospitals must be able to apply clinical pathways through clinical pathways as the main facilities and infrastructure, especially in services for increasingly acute drug addicts. This study aims to analyze the implementation of clinical pathways for drug rehabilitation program outcomes on 1) clinical quality, 2) cost, 3) readmission, 4) satisfaction, and 5) LOS, at RSJD AtmaHusada Mahakam. This type of research uses cross - sectional with observational analytic, data collection through distributing questionnaires to 111 respondents, observation and literature study. The results showed that the clinical quality before and after the implementation of the clinical pathway had a significant effect, but the cost of treatment did not show any significance. There is a positive relationship between readmission and the implementation of clinical pathways, as well as addict satisfaction in the LOS rehabilitation room has a significant effect on treatment time and clinical pathways. A recommendation that the 5 (five) variables mentioned above, apart from being cost - effective, can improve the quality of drug rehabilitation services at RSJD AtmaHusada Mahakam Samarinda, so it needs to be maintained.
Keywords: Outcome, Quality Clinic, Readmission, Cost, Satisfaction, Length of Stay
Edition: Volume 10 Issue 9, September 2021,
Pages: 503 - 508