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Research Paper | Physical Education | Indonesia | Volume 11 Issue 11, November 2022 | Rating: 5.2 / 10
Measurement of Speed of Sound using Smartphone and Phyphox Application
Infianto Boimau, Landiana E. Laos
Abstract: The absence of an experiment to measure the speed of sound in the air causes the students' scientific process skills to be low in studying the topic of sound waves. This study aims to develop a smartphone-based experimental setup using the phyphox application to measure the speed of sound in the air. The measurement method used in this experiment is Time of Flight (ToF) in the case of free fall motion. Tools and materials used in this experiment include: ruler, smartphone, thermometer, stative, iron ball, and various electronic components such as adapters, switches, voltage regulator modules, push buttons, buzzers, 5V relay modules, and magnetic induction. The smartphone functions as an acoustic stopwatch to measure the time of wave propagation, which is controlled by the sound generated from the buzzer and the ball's collision with the plane's surface. Determination of the speed of sound in air is carried out through regression analysis. The speed of sound obtained in this experiment is 340.7 m/s at a temperature of 25.4 0C with an error percentage of 1.25 % when compared to the theoretical value of 345 m/s.
Keywords: sound waves, Time of Flight, smartphone, phyphox
Edition: Volume 11 Issue 11, November 2022,
Pages: 525 - 528