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Case Studies | Neuroscience | India | Volume 11 Issue 11, November 2022 | Rating: 4.1 / 10
Craniocerebral Penetrating Injury with Kitchen Knife with Excellent Outcome: Report of an Interesting Case
Susangato Choudhury, Suniti Kumar Saha, Kaushik Roy, Shuvayu Bandopadhyay
Abstract: Craniocerebral penetrating injury constitute about 0.4% of all head injuries. Penetrating craniocerebral injuries crossing midline are generally associated with gross neurodeficit and poor prognosis. Weapon injuries other than gunshot wounds or low-velocity stab wounds to the head are extremely rare. There are reported cases of head injury with objects like bicycle brake handle, fish harpoon, chop stick, fan rotor blade, garden scissor, metal bar, hunting arrow, ceramic stone, axe. But we have not found any penetrating transcranial injury with a kitchen knife so far that also with such an excellent recovery in spite of the weapon crossing the sagittal midline so far and this may be first case of such a rare type of mode of injury with an excellent recovery This is a case report of 34yr female with craniocerebral penetrating injury with kitchen knife crossing the saggital midline with excellent outcome.
Keywords: penetrating, cranial, no neurodeficit, kitchen knife
Edition: Volume 11 Issue 11, November 2022,
Pages: 417 - 419