Rate the Article: Comparison of Clinical Profile of Survive and Non-Survive ICU Admitted Critically Ill COVID-19 Patients at Tertiary Hospital of Central India, IJSR, Call for Papers, Online Journal
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

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Comparative Studies | Health and Medical Sciences | India | Volume 11 Issue 12, December 2022 | Rating: 5.2 / 10

Comparison of Clinical Profile of Survive and Non-Survive ICU Admitted Critically Ill COVID-19 Patients at Tertiary Hospital of Central India

Rajesh Dase, Rahul Surve, Shivani Halde, Helly Patel, Shilpa Suryawanshi

Abstract: This is a retrospective case series to determine the clinical characteristics of ICU admitted COVID-19 patients conducted in tertiary care Hospital of Aurangabad, Maharashtra. We included all confirmed patients of COVID 19 admitted in ICU between a three months period. We focused on demographic data, clinical presentation, comorbidities, vitals, complications and management of all patients. Of the 200 Critically ill COVID-19 patients, majority of individuals in our study were males [146 (73%) ]. Mean age of non-survived patients was 61.31yrs which was significant (p <0.0001). Majority of patients are residents of urban area [169 (84.5%) ]. Fatigue [23 (23%) ] was observed more in survived patients and dry cough [73 (73%) ] was more prominent in non-survived patients. Dyspnoea [93 (93%) ] was the most common clinical feature followed by fever [81 (81%) ] in non survivors. Presence of pre-existing comorbidities [77 (77%) ] in non-survived patients is significant; most common being hypertension [52 (52%) ] and diabetes [52 (52%) ] followed by Ischaemic heart diseases [13 (13%) ] and asthma [13 (13%) ]. Heart rate is significantly higher [94.69 bpm] in non-survived compared to survived [89.77 bpm]. Less number of survived patients required invasive mechanical ventilation [13 (13%) ], maximum survived patients were on supplemental oxygen through mask or nasal cannula [66 (66%) ]. Maximum of non-survived patients required invasive ventilation [81 (81%) ] followed by non-invasive ventilation [56 (56%) ]. Survivors had least number of complications and Acute respiratory distress syndrome [83 (83%) ] is one of the main complications presented in non survivors followed by septic shock [58 (58%) ]. SARS CoV-2 causes systemic inflammation which results in both systemic and pulmonary complications which is most fatal in high risk groups of elderly males with pre-existing comorbidities. Appropriate attention towards monitoring and preventing transmission of disease to such groups is necessary, but vigorous treatment of infected individuals should be the utmost priority. Chances of survival of patients on mechanical ventilations are less comparatively less than those who are not on mechanical ventilation.

Keywords: SARS CoV-2, Clinical profile, Critically ill

Edition: Volume 11 Issue 12, December 2022,

Pages: 1117 - 1121

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