International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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ISSN: 2319-7064

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Analysis Study Research Paper | Information Security | India | Volume 11 Issue 4, April 2022 | Rating: 4.7 / 10

Dominance of Hardware Firewalls and Denial of Firewall Attacks (Case Study BlackNurse Attack)

Thume Vamshi Krishna [2] | Pulipati Karthik [2]

Abstract: Network security is the most important aspect which concerns with protection of the data of an organization and firewalls play a crucial role in this. The main goal of this paper is to show that hardware firewalls perform better when compared to software-based firewalls. The performance of a firewall is the deciding factor when it comes to data breaches and data theft. Firewalls are the devices that stay upfront and act as a gatekeeper for internal networks but these firewalls are prone to DDoS attacks nowadays and giving awareness about working principles and how these DDoS attacks works is necessary. Denial of firewalling is attacks on the firewall which cause them to become unresponsive and downgrade the CPU performance.

Keywords: Firewalls, packet inspection, Rule database, ICMP, Internet Control Message protocol, TCP, Transmission Control Protocol

Edition: Volume 11 Issue 4, April 2022,

Pages: 28 - 33

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