International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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Case Studies | Pathology | India | Volume 11 Issue 4, April 2022 | Rating: 4.7 / 10

Hibernoma of Axilla - A Rare Adipocytic Tumor - A Case Report

Dr. Madhumita. D. Kurdukar | Dr. Snehal. H. Anantwar

Abstract: Background: Hibernoma is a benign adipocytic tumor arising from vestige of brown fat occurring at all ages. It doesn?t have malignant potential. Case Report: A female of 37 years presented with swelling in right axilla. USG showed hypoechoic lesion in subcutaneous plane. FNAC followed by excision of mass was done. Histopathology showed circumscribed tumor arranged in lobules separated by fibrovascular septa. Within the lobules were seen round to polygonal cells having multivacuolation and eosinophilic granular cytoplasm, with centrally placed bland nucleus. Diagnosis of hibernoma was formulated. Conclusion: Hibernoma must be differentiated from atypical lipomatous tumor (Liposarcoma) as multivacuolated cytoplasm is a feature in both the pathologies. It is of paramount importance for strategic management.

Keywords: Brown fat, Adipocytic tumor, Hibernoma

Edition: Volume 11 Issue 4, April 2022,

Pages: 492 - 494

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