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Case Studies | Social Studies | Brazil | Volume 11 Issue 4, April 2022 | Rating: 5 / 10
Fostering Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurs' Competences in the Santa Catarina Region and its Interferences
Fabricia Peron, Graziela Oste Graziano Cremonezi
Abstract: The general objective of thisarticle is to understand which skills are necessary to sustain successful entrepreneurship andwhich variables are essential to be studied even before opening a company and becoming an entrepreneur. As specific objectives, it is intended to analyze and understood the growth ofentrepreneurship in the region of Santa Catarina; identify the profile of the entrepreneur, as well as the skills needed for successful entrepreneurship; study the benefits of entrepreneurship for society. The findings of this bibliographical study show how entrepreneurship has grown in Brazil and in the region of the State of Santa Catarina, and onthe other hand, it brings us another reality of how much companies' mortality rates rise due tothe lack of preparation of entrepreneurs. It was observed that there are many gaps within entrepreneurship and that it cannot be looked at only from the perspective of starting abusiness and finding a good solution to enter the market, but much more than that, it isnecessary to prepare these entrepreneurs to that can really generate jobs, build remarkable companies and actually add value to society, generating significant results that have a positive impact on the economy.
Keywords: Successful entrepreneurship, Entrepreneur behavior, Business success facts
Edition: Volume 11 Issue 4, April 2022,
Pages: 1117 - 1124