Rate the Article: Hesitation to COVID-19 Vaccinations among Health Care Worker and Public in Tamil Nadu, IJSR, Call for Papers, Online Journal
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

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Research Paper | Obstetrics and Gynecology | India | Volume 11 Issue 4, April 2022 | Rating: 5.3 / 10

Hesitation to COVID-19 Vaccinations among Health Care Worker and Public in Tamil Nadu

Dr. G. S. Sailekshmi, Dr. Vidhya Selvam, Dr. K. Vani

Abstract: COVID-19 and its evolving multiple variant is a challenge to the whole world and to our country. It has been estimated that vaccine coverage of 70-80% is achieved to attain heard immunity. COVID-19 vaccine deployment faces an unprecedented degree of hesitancy based on social and behavioral insights. Method: Using the Untitled-Google Form, which collected data through saiabisha[at]gmail.com from 140 responders aged 18 years and above, across Tamil Nadu State of India and make use of the same Untitled-Google Form statistical analysis for the study was done Result: In our study Low level of vaccine hesitancy-likely to get the vaccine but not certain is 27.5%, High levels of vaccine hesitancy-probably not get the vaccine is 39.1%, Vaccine resistant-definitely not going to get the vaccine is 3% and definitely going to be vaccinated is 30.4% among our study group. Conclusion: Our findings suggest that low level and high level Vaccine Hesitancy (27.5%+39.1%) accounts for a significant proportion of the population which can be addressed by public health messaging but for a significant minority of the population with strongly held beliefs (3%), alternative measures should be looked to achieve sufficient vaccination coverage to end the COVID19 pandemic.

Keywords: COVID vaccine, Hesitancy, resistant, Low level, High level

Edition: Volume 11 Issue 4, April 2022,

Pages: 1198 - 1200

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