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Student Project | Nursing | India | Volume 11 Issue 5, May 2022 | Rating: 4.9 / 10
A Study to Assess the Incidence and Contributing Risk Factors of Peripheral Intravenous Therapy Related Complications among Patients Receiving Peripheral Intravenous Therapy in a Tertiary Care Hospital
Lt Col Bindu Sara Mathew [2] | N/C Ankita Singh | N/C Priyanka Patel | N/C Kiran Danu | N/C Jiji Annamma Oommen | N/C Mitu Pathak
Abstract: Background: Peripheral intravenous catheter (PIVC) insertion is one of the most common invasive procedures performed in a hospital. It is an integral part of professional nursing practice in all the healthcare institutions. PIVC related complications are the most frequent complications of peripheral intravenous therapy which can be local and systemic. It is estimated that 150 million Peripheral intravenous catheters are inserted annually in the United States. Phlebitis is the most frequent complication of peripheral intravenous therapy. Its rate is 50% or even as high as 75% in patients with infectious diseases. In India incidence of phlebitis in medical and surgical wards was found to be 56.5% and 29.8% respectively. However CDC and INS guideline recommendations revealed the accepted phlebitis rate to 5% or less. Methods: A non experimental prospective observational design was adopted for this study. A simple random sampling was applied for selection of samples. The data was collected by means of non-structured tool consists of Demographic variables, observational checklist, patient related factors, Therapy related factors and Practice related factors. The freshly inserted cannulas were observed for 24hrs, 48hrsv and 72 hrs and the incidence of the observed complications were recorded. Aim: To assess the incidence of IV therapy related complications and it?s contributing risk factors. Results: Out of total 90 samples, 12 samples (13%)were not having any complications remaining 87% were having complications.96% found to have local complications and 4% were systemic complications. Out of all the complications, overall pain was reported maximum followed by edema and infiltrations. The Association was found significant for presence of co-morbidities like diabetes, Hypertension and presence of a previous canulation history. Conclusion: IV therapy complication is an important ongoing problem in present day clinical practice. Avoiding risk factors, proper intracath insertion technique may be sought to lower the incidence of PIVC complication.
Keywords: Assess, Incidence, Risk, Intravenous therapy, Complication
Edition: Volume 11 Issue 5, May 2022,
Pages: 1051 - 1054