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Research Paper | Physics | India | Volume 11 Issue 5, May 2022 | Rating: 4.4 / 10
Electrical and Optical Properties of Ionic Liquid Mixed Polymer Electrolyte
Pramod K Singh, Dr. Deepti Rani
Abstract: Ionic liquid doped polyethylene oxide (PEO): sodium iodide (NaI) ion conducting polymer electrolytes are prepared by solution cast technique. Ionic liquid (IL), 1-methyl-3-ethylimidazolium tricyanomethanide ([EMIM][TCM]) is then added to increase the ionic conductivity of polymer electrolytes by reducing the crystallinity of polymer electrolyte. Polarized optical microscopy (POM) affirms the reduction of crystallinity in polymer electrolyte by IL doping and shows a good correlation between conductivity data.
Keywords: Ionic Liquid, Correlation, Polarized optical microscopy, Fuel cell, Solar cells
Edition: Volume 11 Issue 5, May 2022,
Pages: 1277 - 1279