Rate the Article: Designing and Enhancing the Performance of SMEs in Strategic Human Resource Management, IJSR, Call for Papers, Online Journal
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

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Book Review | Business Management | India | Volume 11 Issue 6, June 2022 | Rating: 5.2 / 10

Designing and Enhancing the Performance of SMEs in Strategic Human Resource Management

Anbarasu Murugesan

Abstract: SMEs are considered to be one of the major contributors to the economies of developing countries by improving their business performance through the integration of labor policies and procedures. In modern times, customer needs are growing in terms of competitive environment and traditional HR processes have been replaced by HR strategic processes. Therefore, organizations adopt strategic decision - making strategies for rapid growth and business development and are able to compete in the global market. Large companies often agree more with HRM strategic policies compared to smaller and medium - sized organizations. Therefore, the current study aims to investigate SHRM among SMEs that improve SME performance. Also, the impact of those policies on SMEs was assessed when SHRM was introduced in these firms. In order to achieve the main objective of the research, a descriptive research design and quantitative research approach were followed. A survey based on a pre - tested, systematic, self - administered questionnaire was conducted to collect data and use secondary data resources. The scope of the study has been affected by future research.

Keywords: SMEs, SHRM policies, SHRM practices, business

Edition: Volume 11 Issue 6, June 2022,

Pages: 456 - 458

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