International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

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Case Studies | Radiology and Medical Imaging Sciences | India | Volume 11 Issue 6, June 2022 | Rating: 4.1 / 10

Rare Cause of Spontaneous Retroperitoneal Haemorrhage: Ruptured Pseudoaneursym of Capsular Branch of Renal Artery

Aborishi Garg, Devesha Rathour

Abstract: Spontaneous retroperitoneal haemorrhage is a rare disease .It is an emergency for both surgeon and intervention radiologist. It is also called as Wunderlich syndrome and patient usually presents with lenk's triad. We reporting a rare cause of spontaneous retroperitoneal haemorrhage in 48 year old male patient, who presented with acute flank pain, flank mass on left side and hypovolemic shock. The cause of haemorrhage was diagnosed to be ruptured pseudoaneurysm of capsular branch of left renal artery on diagnostic subtraction angiography. Super-selective embolization of pseudo-aneurysm was done with polyvinyl alcohol particles.

Keywords: Spontaneous retroperitoneal haemorrhage, Wunderlich syndome, Lenk's triad, Capsular branch of renal artery

Edition: Volume 11 Issue 6, June 2022,

Pages: 1743 - 1744

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