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Masters Thesis | Nursing | India | Volume 11 Issue 9, September 2022 | Rating: 5.3 / 10
A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Program on Knowledge Regarding Child Sexual Abuse among Mothers in Mothrowala
Sarita Dhasmana
Abstract: Child sexual abuse (CSA) is a global problem that has significant consequences for public health; it has been a prominent topic of public concern for more than a decade, but many basic facts about the problem remain unclear or in dispute. Child sexual abuse (CSA) is a serious and widespread problem in India as it is in many parts of the world today. The trauma associated with sexual abuse can contribute to arrested development, as well as a host of psychological and emotional disorders, that some children and adolescents may never overcome. When sexual abuse goes unreported and children are not given the protective and therapeutic assistance they need, they are left to suffer in silence. Objectives: 1. To assess the knowledge regarding child sexual abuse among mothers in Mothrowala.2. To evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on mothers regarding child sexual abuse in Mothrowala.3. To find out the association between knowledge score and their demographic variables. Hypothesis: H1: There is a significant difference between pre test and post test knowledge score among mothers. H2: There is a significant association between pre test score and their demographic variables. Research approach: A quantitative approach was used. Research design: Pre experimental (one group pre - test and post - test design). Setting: Mothrowala Dehradun (U. K.). Sample size & Technique: 50 Mothers of 0 - 14 years children in Mothrowala Dehradun by non - probability puposive sampling technique. Method data collection: Self develop structured questionnaire. Result: Major finding of the study revealed that highest percentage of mothers 70% were in the age group of 29 - 38years. In the age group of 18 - 28 years of mothers were 16%, in the age group 39 - 48years it was 14%. Highest percentage of mothers 82% were from joint family, 9% of mothers belongs to single family, 0% of mothers belongs to extended family. Highest percentage of mothers 96% belongs to Hindu religion, 4% belongs to Muslim religion, 0% belongs to Christian, sikh and other religion. Percentage distribution of mothers in relation to their educational status shows that 76% distribution of mothers in relation to their marital status shows that 92% were married, 8% were widow, 0% were single and divorce. Percentage wise distribution of mothers in relation to their no. of children?s shows that 56% were having 2 children?s, 44% were 3 children?s and 0% were 1 children. Percentage wise distribution of mothers in relation to their Occupation shows that 34% were private employee, 9% were unemployed, 7% were self employed, 0% were Govt. employee and retired. Percentage wise distribution of mothers in relation to their family income shows that the highest percentage 82% of family income was in the group of Rs.1000 - 5000. However 18% of family income were in the group of Rs.5001 - 10000, 0% of family income were in the group of Rs.10001 - 15000 and above Rs.15000 respectively. Percentage distribution of mothers in relation to their source of information shows that highest percentage 68% of mothers were having information from Television, 32% having information from newspaper, 0% from radio and internet. Pre - test analysis in response to knowledge questionnaires revealed that in 0%of subjects adequate knowledge and in post test that was increased to 50%. Moderate knowledge score in pretest was 70% that was reduced to 50%. Inadequate knowledge score in pre test was 30% that was reduced to 0% in post test. There is significant difference between the pre and post - test scores of knowledge questionnaires by using paired ?t? test and computed between pre - test and post - test knowledge score. The value of paired ?t? test for knowledge score is 20.38 with the table value 2 at 0.05 level of significance was found to be highly significant relationship between pre - test and post - test scores. So in this study it was found that structured teaching program is effective in improving the knowledge of mothers regarding Child Sexual Abuse. The study proved that there was not significant association between pretest knowledge score and selected demographic variables (Age, Type of family, Religion, Education, marital status, No. of children, occupation, source of information) at 0.05 level of significance. Hence the research hypothesis (H2) rejected. This study proved that there was not significant association between knowledge scores with their selected demographic variables. Conclusion: Study revealed that in response to knowledge questionnaires 0%of subjects adequate knowledge and in post test that was increased to 50%. Moderate knowledge score in pretest was 70% that was reduced to 50%. Inadequate knowledge score in pre test was 30% that was reduced to 0% in post test. This indicate that structured teaching program are effective in improving knowledge of mothers.
Keywords: Effectiveness, Structured, Teaching programme, Knowledge, Child Sexual Abuse
Edition: Volume 11 Issue 9, September 2022,
Pages: 445 - 450